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Enhanced Security Control with Full Height Turnstiles

Time : 2024-03-14

Within electronic security control domain, a full height turnstile is the ultimate barrier to restrict access into some areas. This is a competent smart access control solution comprising of state-of-the-art technology and robust construction for various facilities.

Function & Features:

The full height turnstile excels in giving unattended access controlled to office buildings and general premises. It has been fitted with frame made of 304 stainless steel that ensures its robustness and dependability. The user will have to swipe their card through the electronic control mechanism when going through this security gate. After properly confirming your details, the turnstile opens instantly allowing you pass through it in any preferred direction. Moreover, the product is adaptable to fingerprint readers, push buttons or face identification systems among others for better security purposes.

Design Innovation:

Uniquely engineered, full height turnstile combines both functionalities of two single rotor types into one unit only. This cuts down on the passage area by narrowing the width from 2.8meters to 2.2 meters without affecting area for movement at all. Consequently, it makes entry possible from four directions hence increasing convenience during busy hours like rush hours in offices.. Rotor’s movement can be configured either as one way or bidirectional depending on targeted levels of defense . Being fully stainless-steel made device means that it can be mounted both outdoors and indoors therefore long period usage is guaranteed.

Access Control Options:

The major feature that supports rfid card access control on a full height turnstile with additional options such as finger print token or bar code systems for versatile security solutions besides this an Electronic Counter facilitates accurate tracking of valid access times per each entrance and exit point within a turnstile gate

Modern Security Technology: The Full Height Turnstiles are an epitome of modern technology based safety measures that offer complete access control solutions across diverse environments thereby making them ideal choices for protecting valuable property while maintaining smooth traffic flow within premises

Enhanced Security Control with Full Height Turnstiles

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