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RFID Controlled Tripod Turnstile for Seamless Entry

Time : 2024-10-14

Barrier-Free Entry Experience
Fast and Easier Access: With RFID controlled tripod turnstiles, identification and authorization of persons becomes instant and this minimizes the waiting time plus traffic that is at the entry points of the facility. The RFID controlled tripod turnstile feature is of huge help in situations such as in the metro stations were passengers have to come in and out of the stations at peak times.

Additional Safety Features:Only the authorized users can use the tripod turnstile as they have been designed with facilities that do not allow any unauthorized entry. RFID controlled tripod turnstile enhance security on the premises since only verified users are allowed inside the facility.

Use in Metro Stations
Effective Passenger Flow Management:RFID controlled tripod turnstiles have also be used to ensure that there is smooth flow of passengers around the metro station. With the help of sophisticated RFID controlled tripod turnstile, congestion at the entry port is avoided since the passengers can easily use the turnstiles without wasting a lot of time.

Interoperability with Existing Transport Ticketing System:RFID controlled tripod turnstile is capable of lending support and interfacing with the present ticketing systems and hence targeted passenger management is achievable. On the other hand, the RFID controlled tripod turnstile integration cuts down the operation cost of the system by eliminating ticket checking but at the same time improving the systems ease of use.


Turboo's Product Series
Extensive Range of Turnstiles: Turboo Strives to smear all its tripod turnstiles in every access control feature. Turboo offers a decent portfolio of tripod turnstiles that can be used for different access control systems. From the plainest of the RFID controlled tripod turnstile to the high end ones with an added face recognition feature, are purpose built for each environment..

Adaptability : Since it is clear that every application may have its own requirements, Turboo suppplies also RFID controlled tripod turnstile customizable options. For example, there is a possibility of combining different kinds of RFID readers and other access control devices.

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