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hitrostna vrata

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carinski nadzorni točki, ki se gibljejo z ovirami, vratami s turnisti z napravo za prepoznavanje obraza in identifikacijo potovanja na letališču

opis izdelka
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport manufacture
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport details
Opombe za vašo referenco
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport supplier

enosmerno in dvojno jedro stroja

Levo in desno, ki imajo samo eno krilo, je eno jedro, srednje pa je dvojno jedro.
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport supplier

Koliko pasov potrebujete?

Po merilu merite dolžino gradbenega območja in sporočite, koliko pasov potrebujete.
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport supplier

Sistem nadzora dostopa je izbirni.

Če potrebujete, da vam ponudimo karkoli, mi lahko zagotovimo bralnik kartic, prepoznavanje obrazov, bralnik QR kode, napravo za prstne odtise itd.
podatkovni list
2700*185*1400 mm
širina prehoda
600-900 mm
smer prehoda
stopnja uspeha
30-35 oseb/minuta
čas delovanja
0,2 sekunde
vhodna moč
delovna vlažnost
30% do 95%
delovna temperatura
komunikacijski vmesnik
rs485, suhi stik
infrardeči senzor
8 parov
10.000.000 ciklov
letališča, meje itd.
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport factory
slike primerov
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport factory
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport factory
povratne informacije kupcev
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport supplier
pregled podjetja
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport manufacture
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport supplier
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport supplier
nadzor kakovosti
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport supplier
naše storitve
Customs Checkpoint Swing Barrier Turnstile Gate With Facial Recognition Device And travel Identification For Airport manufacture
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